Monday, August 18, 2008

Tips and Tricks on Search Engine Optimization

Though we all know that white hat techniques are the right way to go ahead for SEO but the popularity of black hat techniques is gaining its pace over white hat due to the short span of time requirement for site rankings through it. But inspite of that I would like to say that if we can use proper way then in long run we will be benefited. I am giving few tips on both black hat and white hat techniques but it's you who have to choose the way.

White hat techniques and Guidelines:

The main intention of these techniques is to benefit the user and so the site always focuses the user first and then the search engine. So while following these techniques always think yourself as an user and evaluate from yourself that why should I visit this site and how I will be benefited by this site. Follow few tips as follows.

  1. Keyword Stuffing: Don't insert too many keywords in your content where they are not required. Try to focus at your content not your keywords. The user will be on your site for your content not for stuffing your content with keywords. For best reasult get few targeted keywords in H1 tag on your home page. Search Bot always gives preference to these tags, and so will notice your targated keywords.

  2. Try to get those domain names that can easily relate to your business. If those domains are not available then it is advicible to include slash in your domain name. By adapting this practice you can have the most competitive domains for you and so you can step beside the top competitors. For example lets say ranks in top1 for seo keyword. Now I can't have this domain but if I use then I can have a part of user searching for that top site as my domain name has a part which resembles that top rated site.

  3. Getting links from other sites boosts your site rankings but before requesting to these sites please know what you are exactly doing and ensure that they also can survive in long run other wise you will also need to pay for their mistakes. Check whether they are using any black hat techniques like doorway pages, Spams etc.

  4. Spent your time in creating a great content not on meta keywords and meta description . Make ensure that every targeted visitor can have their best information from your site.

  5. Don't uses tools that promises to submit your url in different search engines, they are basically good for nothing. Even there are few SEO site that promises to rank one's site in top #10 within 3 months, but my friend I would like to say that in SEO you can try with you dedication but you can't say that I will definitely have my rank in few months.

  6. Do not anchor text the H1 tag elements in your home page. H1 tag basically serves as a heading of the text. So they mainly represent the text below it but if we anchor text it this means the relevant information regarding that text is on other page (linked page) not on the text below it. Thus search bot will search for that information related to that keyword in linked page not on your home page

  7. Don't try to make fool of search engine as every dog has a day and when search bot will be the dog then you will be the sufferer. They can even banned your site for using unfair means.

Black hat techniques and Guidelines:

The main intention of these techniques is to focuses on search engine requirement not on user requirement. So while following these techniques always think that how I can passes my keyword informations to search engine and how I can build an image so that search engine forces to assumes the site to be the best for these keywords.

  1. Keywords are basically the first step that lets us ahead in SEO. So always careful about choosing your keyword. Its search volume should be high and its competitor should be low. Now apart from your content include these keywords in home page in H1 tag such that it will be remain invisible to users but search engine can view it.

  2. Using doorway pages is the best way in black hat techniques popularly known as Cloaking. Here the main home page contains a door (basically a javascript ) from where the search bot navigated to a different page which is basically meant for it only. So it allows the webmasters to divided its effort for visitor and search engines .